Giving Opportunities

At Holy Family we are grateful for the precious gift of Catholic education.  We are working hard to bring this gift of a faith-filled education to as many students as possible.  We appreciate your interest in keeping the tradition of faith, prayer, education and family values a priority by leaving a legacy of love.  Through planned giving, the future of Holy Family Catholic School and our students will continue to thrive for generations to come.

There are many gifting opportunities available. Some options look at long-term financial sustainability while others are for short-term needs such as financial aid.  We would be happy to meet with you to determine how a planned gift can satisfy your overall financial and personal goals.

Holy Family School Endowment Fund

In 2006, a generous and forward-thinking donor established the Holy Family School Endowment Fund of the Community Foundation of Greater Flint. This endowment helps to insure the future financial security of our school. Money in this fund is invested; interest gained can be used to provide permanent financial support for tuition assistance and scholarships, faculty enrichment, and other student programs. This fund continues to grow thanks to the generosity of other donors who also have made gifts to the Fund.

You too can help perpetuate the legacy of Holy Family School and make Catholic education available for future generations. If interested in helping, please make your check payable to CFGF, with Holy Family School Fund on the memo line. Mail your check to CFGF, 500 S. Saginaw St., Ste. 200, Flint, MI 48502, or visit to make a gift online.

Annual Appeal

First, we would like to thank our past donors to Holy Family School’s previous Annual Appeals. Your generosity is vitally important to the success of our school.

The Holy Family Annual Appeal focuses on providing support to increase our financial aid dollars that will help our mission to boost enrollment in the years ahead. These donations provide the critical dollars used to bridge the gap between the difference in tuition and the actual cost of educating students. It is made up of operating gifts from our loyal alumni, parents, students, faculty, staff and friends. These contributions benefit Holy Family students, paying for financial aid awards, technology, faculty enhancement, campus ministry and so much more.

If you would like to make your tax deductible contribution now to the Annual Appeal, please make a check out to: Holy Family School and note it is for the Annual Appeal. These contributions may be put in the Sunday collection or mailed/brought directly to the school office. You can also donate electronically by clicking on the “Donate Now” button on this page.

For more information about making a donation to Holy Family School, please contact Ann (Yochim) Tabereaux ’92 in the Development Office at 810.694.9072 ext. 146 or

Planned Giving

We appreciate your interest in keeping the Holy Family tradition of faith, prayer, education and family values a priority by leaving a legacy of love. Through planned gift giving, the future of Holy Family Catholic School and our students will continue to thrive for generations to come.

Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds

Stocks, bonds and mutual funds are perhaps the best way to give. Investments that have appreciated in value can be donated for the full market value- not just your original cost. Check with a licensed securities broker about how to make this type of gift.


Both real estate and personal property qualify as charitable gifts that would benefit the school.

Life Insurance

Cash value in current or paid life insurance policies can be used as gift. You can name Holy Family Catholic School as a beneficiary or even co-beneficiary.

Gifts of Retirement Assets

Gifts of retirement assets are another simple way to leave a gift by naming Holy Family Catholic School as beneficiary of a percent or full amount of your Individual Retirement Account, 401k, 493b, 457 or other qualified retirement plan.

Contact Our Staff

We would be happy to meet with you to determine how a planned gift can satisfy your overall financial and personal goals while providing a secure future for our school. All consultations are held in strict confidence. Please contact us today for more information or to request a personalized illustration of how a planned gift can benefit you.

Aimee Wolven, Accountant
Phone: 810.694.4891, ext. 2209