Athletic Boosters

The Athletic Boosters (formerly known as The Men’s Club) is the longest serving organization at Holy Family. It exists for the benefit of Holy Family Catholic School and Parish with the primary purpose of funding the athletic program at Holy Family School, including, but not limited to the purchase of uniforms, referee costs and field fees, along with funding for the gym and playground equipment. The Athletic Boosters also provides some assistance for programs for the benefit of the elderly and shut-ins.

The funds to carry out the mission of the Athletic Boosters are secured by the annual collection of dues, accepting donations, admission into sporting events and our Annual Holy Family Golf Outing.

The Athletic Boosters meet on the second Tuesday of every month at 8:00 p.m. Meetings are held in the Small Hall of the Fr. Bush Parish Center.  All members of the parish are invited to attend. The meetings are followed by an opportunity to meet and socialize with your fellow parishioners.

Inquiries concerning the Athletic Boosters may be directed to the President of the Athletic Boosters.

*Meetings are currently held in person and virtually*

Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month.

2025-2026 Executive Officers

 Jayson Richert
Membership Chair
Fred McAvoy
Dan Dowling
Athletic Director
Mr. Christian Mansour